Oscar Predictions

Last year, around this time, the 2017 Oscars happened and I looked at the Best Picture nominees and I’d seen none of them. NONE. Not a single one of those movies was one that I saw. I would eventually see Hidden Figures but every other movie? Nope. That lead me to try and see every film and, in turn, led to this blog where I can now give my actual opinions on the Oscars since, with the exception of Phantom Thread, I’ve seen pretty much all the nominees. As of right now I haven’t found anywhere that’ll show Phantom Thread near me so I can see it, maybe that’ll change between now and Oscar day but until then, here are my picks.

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Another RuCap: All Stars 3, Episode 5

So after last weeks Snatch Game which, let’s be honest, was not great the queens need to kick things up to keep enjoying their 15 minutes of fame. So this week, let’s go over all the things that happened in the episode and judge them because that’s what a good fan does… a bad fan is an asshole about it.

Oh, also, I will absolutely be doing this for Season 10 because I have fun getting a second excuse to rewatch the episode but I will try an adapt my format for that season so it’s not the length of these posts. I’m sticking with it for now because I have this set up worked out and I wanna at least keep it consistent for this season, but next season I’ll alter it so they’re shorter. OK? Cool, here we go.

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Black Panther

Released: 15th February 2018 (Australia)
Seen: 19th February 2018

Black Panther Info.png

Before I begin I must state this explicitly as I can. I cannot begin to express what this film must mean to the black community, I wouldn’t even dare try. I implore you to go out and find black voices who are talking about this film and what it means to them because this film is proudly of that community and I, a white gay male, have no way of truly understanding the importance of this film in that context. I can only give my feelings on this as a film and not a cultural milestone to a community of people (Even though it absolutely is, let’s all just admit that now because it’s a literal fact). So, what follows is the opinion of one white man about the movie Black Panther. If you don’t want to hear some white boys opinions on the film, I completely understand that because this film should be talked about by people other than me… but I have a review blog and saw a movie, so this is where we are. Just wanted to state that up front and get it out of the way, let’s do this

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Let’s Fix ’50 Shades Freed’

Fifty Shades Freed - Official Trailer [HD] 025.jpg

Of all the movies to become obsessed over, why did this have to be the one to grab hold of me? For over a week now I can’t get this film out of my head and not because it’s good. No, my problem with this film is that it’s actually fixable and could’ve been watchable with some mild tweaks. Admittedly, they were mild tweaks that were never going to happen because E.L. James has complete creative control and she is the worst writer to currently be published but still, this was salvageable.

What follows is me going through the film, figuring out what elements could change to make it work. I will be spoiling large amounts of the story, but if you’re reading this then chances are you either saw the film already and are curious how it could ever be salvaged or you don’t plan on seeing it. Keep in mind that I’m only worried about the film. I am treating this like its own original work and not as an adaptation, mostly cos I’m not reading the damn books.

Before we get to that though, we have to deal with a fundamental problem that would require redoing the entire trilogy from the start.

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Another RuCap: All Stars 3, Episode 4

Well, it’s that time again, time for us to talk about the wondrous world of Snatch Game. It’s time to see what the queens have picked and who snatched the crown and who just crashed. It’s always the best episode of the season but with All Stars, it’s on a whole other level. Last All Stars had some of the best Snatch Game creations ever, let’s look at what this season brings us.

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